Thursday, February 6, 2025

Here’s how to properly create a revision plan for JEE Main exam


Candidates who are taking JEE Main 2021 must devote adequate time to revision since it is the key to success in any exam. Candidates can use the following pointers to plan up an effective revision approach for JEE Main.

Make A Revision Schedule:

Candidates should first create a new schedule based on the number of days left in their exam. They should also divide topics or chapters into days, weeks, or months to revise. It is important to remember that the timetable must be adhered to religiously; otherwise, it will be impossible to update everything. It is now up to the candidates to decide what they wish to review. It refers to whether they want to revise the full syllabus or only a portion of it. This is totally up to the applicants; if they desire, they might focus on key subjects from each area and extensively review them.

Regular Revision Plan:

The concept learned this week will need to be reviewed the following week, then once more the following week, once a month, and so on. This method of revision will be quite beneficial to you. Because editing is a constant process, sitting for long periods might be difficult. Taking JEE Main Chapterwise Practice Tests and JEE Main Mock Tests is one of the greatest techniques to revise.

Make Brief, Useful Notes:

Candidates should make some short, useful notes that they may keep with them. Candidates can use these brief notes to jot down crucial formulas and concepts. Candidates can devote 20 to 30 minutes per day to these notes. This will make it easier for the candidates to memorize crucial formulas and concepts.

Schedule Mock Tests:

The best way to see if your preparation is going well is to give mock tests. Candidates should practice as many JEE Main sample papers and mock examinations as possible. These practice tests and sample papers will expose candidates to a variety of questions daily and will assist them in analyzing their performance. Get the latest JEE Main 2021 Question Paper 24 February Morning. 

Students can see in which area they need more revision. Because these mock tests and sample papers are based on the actual exam pattern, students should practice one mock test or sample paper per day to get a realistic feel for the exam.

Make A List Of Topics:

Make a separate notebook with only the topics written for each subject. Try to recall everything you could about a topic and check what topic you are forgetting and where you need to focus more.

Your Weak Chapters Should Be Revised:

You must bear in mind that you must focus on and enhance your weak chapters and concepts. This will reduce your exam’s bad marking. You must be aware of your weak chapters by now. So, when you study for the boards, memorize and revise them, and solve practice questions. Take a JEE mock test after your board exams are finished and evaluate your paper to find out:

  • You misunderstood certain chapters and concepts.
  • You couldn’t attempt/answer some chapters or ideas.
  • You spent more time on certain chapters and themes.
  • After you’ve identified these chapters, you’ll need to learn and review associated topics, as well as answer, practice problems.

Revise Early:

Morning is the time when your mind is fresh and your body and mind can take a good load of stress. So, in the morning try to revise topics that require a lot of rote learning like formulas, equations, diagrams, or reactions.

The Chemistry Revision Plan:

  • Make sure you grasp all of the organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry topics.
  • The formulas and reaction mechanisms should be understood, practiced, and remembered. Organic Chemistry requires extra time due to a large number of reactions.
  • Solve challenging problems.

Physics Revision Strategy:

  • To ensure that you grasp everything in your notes, go over each concept and issue as quickly as possible. If you’re unsure about an idea or issue, consult your textbooks.
  • Make sure you can see the many mechanisms, processes, and so on.
  • Practice and memorize the formulas, equations, and other information.
  • It’s also a good idea to practice their derivations.
  • Attempt to answer questions that you believe are difficult.

Mathematics Revision Techniques:

  • Learn the formulas by heart and memorize them.
  • To solve challenges, remember the stages.
  • Solve a few questions from each subject, paying careful attention to the more difficult ones.

General JEE Main 2022 Exam Tips & Tricks

The following study programs can assist you in preparing for JEE Main 2022:

  •  Candidates should devote equal weight to all subjects, create a schedule, and stick to it.
  • It is critical to take a 5- to 10-minute break after every one or two hours of steady study. Stay entirely comfortable when you take a break. Overnight studies are not advised, and you should get at least 5 to 6 hours of sleep each night.
  • There are several JEE Main preparation books available on the market today, but applicants must choose intelligently. It is best to stay away from study materials that have repeating questions based on the same subject.
  • Candidates should not overlook NCERT books, in addition, to practice books available on the market, since they are sufficient to solve at least the conceptual problems in the entrance test. Physics and Chemistry NCERT books will teach you the fundamental principles.
  • Candidates should concentrate on solving problems independently. They should not look for answers before attempting to answer the questions. They should start with traditional problem-solving techniques and work their way up. In other words, candidates should be able to devise their solutions and shortcuts.
  • Finally, candidates should not be alarmed at this point. They should avoid stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle. They must take adequate care of their health at this time, as any health difficulties will have a direct impact on their preparations.


Your JEE Main revision strategy should ensure that you complete the full syllabus in the shortest amount of time possible. This is possible if you plan your revision method well.